Felonious Assault

Oakland County Felonious Assault Attorney

A felonious assault occurs when an individual threatens another person with a dangerous weapon. Contrary to what many individuals believe, it is not necessary for any actual contact to have occurred. This type of assault is a serious criminal charge in the state of Michigan and unfortunately carries stiff repercussions such as fines and jail time.

Violent crime accusations can impact both a person’s personal and professional life significantly. For example, individuals convicted of felonious assault can lose employment, housing opportunities, and professional licenses. This is why if an individual has been arrested for this offense, it is important to seek a committed and experienced criminal defense attorney that will protect their rights.

Oakland County Felonious Assault Lawyers| Bloomfield Hills, MI

If you or someone you know has been charged with felony-degree assault, contact Dallo Law, P.C. right now. A violent crime charge in Michigan can have devastating consequences. It is best to secure your present and future freedom. Criminal defense attorney J. Dallo understands the gravity of the situation you are facing and will work hard to fight your charges.

Dallo and his legal team at Dallo Law, P.C. serves individuals throughout the greater Oakland County and Macomb County area including St. Clair Shores, Roseville, Sterling Heights, Eastpointe, New Baltimore, Utica, Fraser, Pontiac, Waterford Township, Rochester Hills, Wet Bloomfield Township, Madison Heights and Auburn Hills. Call 248-290-9962 to obtain an experienced violent crimes lawyer that will represent you aggressively in court.

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Information Center

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What is Felonious Assault in Michigan?

According to Michigan Penal Code 750.82, a person commits felonious assault if they who assault another individual with a gun, revolver, pistol, knife, iron bar, club, brass knuckles, or other dangerous weapon. Moreover, the crime of felonious assault can occur if the defendant utilizes a dangerous weapon to put another person in fear of immediate bodily harm.

Felonious assault in Michigan is a serious charge. The act of simply pointing a knife at someone in a manner that’s threatening satisfies the statute elements. However, there are several defenses that an attorney can utilize such as lack of assault, lack of weapon, and lack of intent.

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What Makes Assault a Felony in Michigan?

Per Michigan Penal Code 750.82, certain assault charges are categorized as a felony offense. If an individual is found guilty of felonious assault or assault with a dangerous weapon in Michigan, they can expect to face up to 4 years in prison and up to $2,000 in fines. If they commit felonious assault in a weapon-free school zone, they can face up to 4 years in prison, up to $6,000 in fines, and up to 150 hours in community service.

A felonious assault conviction can cause many challenges outside of the criminal aspect. As stated previously, being convicted of this violent crime can often result in the loss of or inability to obtain a professional license, loss of civil rights, and a difficult time gaining employment. It could even affect a person’s approval for an apartment.

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Violent Crimes in Michigan

Violent crimes are a serious matter in the state of Michigan. Since they are heavily punished by Michigan law, accusations can often result in a stressful time for the individual that’s been arrested. They can also involve repercussions that could follow the defendant for the rest of their life, putting their freedom at stake.

At Dallo Law, P.C., criminal defense attorney J. Dallo provides aggressive and vigorous representation for individuals accused of violent crimes. He works hard to represent his clients every step of the way from arrest to trial.

Violent crimes in Michigan encompass a wide array of crimes, including:

  • Assault and Battery
  • Kidnapping
  • Stalking
  • Manslaughter
  • Domestic Violence Crimes
  • Murder

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Additional Resources

Michigan Penal Code: Felonious Assault – Visit the official website for the Michigan Legislature to read up on their Penal Code chapter for felonious assaults.  Michigan Penal Code 750.82 lists the elements that constitute the offense, penalties and other relevant information.

Michigan Penal Code: Violent Crimes – Visit the official website for the Michigan Legislature to read information on violent crime laws in Michigan. Access the site to learn the various penalties for these violent crimes and other aggravating and mitigating factors.

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Felonious Assault Attorneys in Bloomfield Hills, MI

Whether you or a loved one are facing felonious or aggravated assault charges in Michigan, one thing remains the same: your need for a skilled criminal defense attorney. Felonious assault charges carry stiff penalties so it’s best to act quickly. Michigan felonious assault attorney J. Dallo at Dallo Law, P.C. has years of experience defending clients arrested for violent crimes.

Dallo Law, P.C. has offices set up in Bloomfield Hills but accepts clients throughout the state of Michigan including Pontiac, Royal Oak, Rochester, Novi, Mount Clemens, Roseville, St. Clair Shores, and Utica. Set up your first initial consultation by calling attorney J. Dallo at 248-290-9962. He is prepared to review your case and work hard towards reducing, if not dismissing all of your charges.

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