Oakland County Prostitution & Solicitation Attorney
Simple accusations of prostitution or solicitation could have a significant impact on your life. Often these crimes carry a stigma that could affect our careers, ability to obtain a professional license, or maintain personal relationships. For a “victimless” crime, the penalties for solicitation and prostitution are also incredibly harsh. Depending on the circumstances, you could face upwards to a felony, which means you could be sentenced to time in prison.
There are many reasons why a person may seek additional comfort, companionship, and attention. However, the state of Michigan will not consider these factors if you’re charged with prostitution or solicitation. If you have been accused of a prostitution-related crime, then we urge you to get in contact with an experienced and skilled prostitution defense lawyer.
Prostitution & Solicitation Defense Attorney in Oakland County, MI
Prostitution and solicitation may be nonviolent crimes, but that doesn’t mean the penalties for the crime are light. If you’ve been accused of prostitution or soliciting a prostitute, we urge you to contact Dallo Law, P.C.. With his years of experience and study, sex crimes attorney J. Dallo will work tirelessly to ensure you receive the best possible outcome for your case.
Schedule your first consultation with J. Dallo of Dallo Law, P.C. by calling 248-290-9962. Dallo Law, P.C. accepts clients throughout the Bloomfield Hills area and surrounding counties including Oakland County and Macomb County including Clinton Township, Warren, Sterling Heights, Armada, Fraser, Utica, Madison Heights, Birmingham, West Bloomfield Township, Novi, Rochester Hills, Holly, Oak Park, Southfield, and Pontiac.
Information Center:
- Is Prostitution Legal in Michigan?
- Michigan Penalty for Prostitution and Solicitation
- Pimping and Procurement Laws in Michigan
- Additional Resources
Is Prostitution Legal in Michigan?
Michigan is like other U.S. states as it prohibits the selling of one’s body for sexual activity or purchasing sexual activity with another person actively selling their body. Under Michigan law, there is no actual definition for prostitution. The crime is grouped under the section 750.448 of the Michigan Penal Code with solicitation, which is when a person seeks out the services of a prostitute.
Michigan law defines solicitation as any person attempting to or does accost, solicit or invite another person in a public place, building, or vehicle to commit prostitution or any other lewd or immoral act. Solicitation is considered a “two-party” transaction where the defendant has approached another person and offered to pay them to perform a sexual act.
Michigan Penalty for Prostitution and Solicitation
Both prostitutes and those who solicit prostitutes face the same charges because of the way section 750.448 is worded. In most cases, both parties are charged. However, who law enforcement arrests depends on the circumstances and who initiates the transaction. Prostitution and solicitation are charged as a misdemeanor in Michigan. For a first-time offense, the penalties for prostitution or solicitation include:
- Up to 93 days in jail; and
- A possible fine of up to $500
The court will enhance the penalties for a second prostitution or solicitation conviction. The defendant will instead face the following:
- Up to 12 months in jail; and
- A possible fine of up to $1,000
Prostitution or soliciting a prostitute can be a felony charge if the defendant has two or more prior related convictions. The penalties for felony prostitution or solicitation include:
- Up to 2 years in prison; and
- A possible fine of up to $2,000
Solicitors can also be charged under section 750.449a of the Michigan Penal Code, which is referred to as the “offering to engage” statute. The law states it’s illegal for any person to engage or offer to engage the services of another person for the purpose of prostitution, lewdness, or assignation by offering compensation or other forms of payment.
Another law that affects solicitors is section 750.449 of the Michigan Penal Code, which states it’s a crime for anyone over 16 to admit another person, or offer to admit them, into a vehicle, building or house for the purpose of prostitution. Offering to engage a prostitute or admitting a person into prostitution will also result in a misdemeanor punishable by up to 93 days in jail and a possible fine of up to $500.
Pimping and Procurement Laws in Michigan
Involvement in the transaction process for prostitution is also a crime in the state of Michigan. The Michigan Penal Code section 750.457 states any person who knowingly receives, levies, or appropriates money or something else valuable from the earnings of a person engaged in prostitution can be charged with a crime. This law is often referred to as the “pimping” statute.
A person can also be charged with pimping if they benefit from money loaned or advanced to or charged against a prostitute by any keeper/manager/inmate of a house where prostitution is allowed. Pimping in the state of Michigan is a felony offense punishable by imprisonment for no longer than 20 years.
Enticing or procuring someone into prostitution is also a crime in Michigan. Under section 750.455, a person is guilty of procurement if they do the following:
- Procure a person into a house of prostitution;
- Induce, persuade, inveigle, entice, or encourage a person to become a prostitute;
- Entices a person to become a prostitute by promise, threat or violence;
- Persuades, encourages, or entices a prostitute to remain at a house of prostitution by promise, threat, or violence;
- Uses fraud or deception, duress of person or goods, or abuses any position in confidence or authority to persuade, encourage and procure any person to engage in prostitution;
- Procures or persuades any person to come into the state or leave the state of Michigan to enter a prostitution house or scheme;
- Detains or takes a person for sexual intercourse under the pretense of marriage; or
- Gives or receives, or agrees to receive or give, any money or thing of value for procuring or attempting to procure a person into prostitution
Additional Resources
RAINN | Rape, Abuse and Incest Support Network – Many people charged with prostitution are simply struggling or have been manipulated into the crime. Visit the official website for the RAINN to learn more about their services for those struggling with sexual abuse. Access the site to find support, read survivor stories, and access their sexual assault hotline.
Michigan Laws for Prostitution and Solicitation – Visit the official website for the Michigan Legislature to learn more about their statues pertaining to prostitution and solicitation. Access the site to learn the penalties for aiding in prostitution, engaging in services for prostitution, and other related sex crimes in Michigan.
Sex Crimes Attorney for Prostitution in Oakland County, MI
Have you been accused of engaging in prostitution or soliciting a prostitute? If so, then we highly encourage you to contact Dallo Law, P.C.. Prostitution or solicitation charges or even an arrest record could potentially harm your career and personal relationships. Attorney Dallo is experienced at representing clients accused of serious sex crimes and has assisted many of those clients expunge their record afterward, so they can finally escape the stigma. Find out your legal options by contacting Dallo Law, P.C. today.
Call Dallo Law, P.C. at 248-290-9962 to set up your first consultation. Dallo Law, P.C. accepts clients throughout the Oakland County and Macomb County area including Clinton Township, Bloomfield Hills, Roseville, Utica, Fraser, Pontiac, Southfield, Rochester Hills, Royal Oak and Pontiac.