Defending OWPD, Operating While in the Presence of Drugs Explained
Attorney J. Dallo explains the charge of OWPD (operating while in the presence of drugs). If you’ve been arrested for an OWPD offense in Bloomfield Hills, Birmingham, or anywhere in Oakland County, Michigan, or surrounding areas, contact Dallo Law, P.C. at 248-290-9962 to schedule a free and confidential consultation to discuss your defense.
In cases involving OWPD, which is operating with the presence of drugs, it typically involves everything but alcohol. There are such different scenarios, some are the person is using an illicit substance, some sort of narcotic. Others are prescription meds, and the person is driving when they weren’t supposed to. And there are multiple ways to defend it. We have to look at each case. Every case is different. But typically what I first look at is, was there a prescription? What was it that caused the police to pull the person over. So we look at those sorts of things and we go from there to see which direction we need to take it into.