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County, MI

Personal Protection Order (PPO) Hearings Explained

Michigan Domestic Violence Attorney J. Dallo explains Personal Protection Order (PPO) Hearings in Michigan Domestic Violence cases. If you’ve been arrested for a Domestic Violence offense in Bloomfield Hills, Birmingham, or anywhere in Oakland County, Michigan, or surrounding areas, contact Dallo Law, P.C. at 248-290-9962 to schedule a free and confidential consultation to discuss your defense.

A personal protection order or PPO in the state of Michigan usually comes about when the alleged victim can offer at least three instances where they were concerned or threatened. A PPO usually goes to a hearing before the judge orders one. There is a PPO where the complainant witness is in imminent danger so they can receive or they can get ordered for themselves, an ex parte PPO or an emergency PPO. typically though PPOs go through a hearing phase. We have the complaining witness or the complainant and the respondent. The complainant is the person seeking the PPO. They appear in court and have a hearing. The respondent is allowed to appear, is notified of the date to appear, and is allowed to testify, to hear the testimony. And then the judge makes the determination whether he or she will grant the PPO. it’s kind of like a mini-trial. There’s no jury, it would be the complainant, the respondent, and their attorneys appearing. And performing direct examination, cross-examination of whoever is testifying.

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